A wonder through your website once again after an absence was most enlightening. Congratulations on the content therein David.
Glenn Rossiter
I have taken a look at your work on your website and must congratulate you on some splendid images. "Scaredy Cat" is a wonderfully witty shot and I love the simplicity of "Paper Cut" while "Hadrian's Wall" just makes me envious. One of these days I hope to make a trip just to photograph this wonderful structure, somewhere along its length.
Cheers.. Joe
Your Site
I enjoy visiting sites with original work and yours is one of them
Tom Dunne
Your Pictures
I enjoyed very much looking at your pics. Funny, I seem to think I recognise some of them !!!
Good Show,
Allan C. Dawe
Light and Image
What an amazing collection of photographic art - cleverly composed, finely executed and balanced with subtle humour. Would like to see more soon.
Madeleine O'Beirne
Your Site
Your Pictures
I enjoyed very much looking at your pics. Funny, I seem to think I recognise some of them !!!
Good Show,
Light and Image